Webspace packages
WizardWebWorks offers website hosting facilities specifically designed to cater for small businesses, small organisations and individuals.
Webspace packages start with our Pearl package from as little as £7 (Aus$17.50) per year with larger packages available to give you plenty of scope for growth in website size and traffic.
Domain names
We also offer domain names – these give a name to your website or can be used purely to provide you with email addresses that can stay with you for life.
We can supply the most popular types of domain names (but not com.au).
What we don’t do
- We don’t put advertising on your sites or in your emails.
- We don’t do ASP or ASP.NET hosting.
- We don’t do Java or java-applet enabled hosting.
- We don’t generally offer up-time guarantees, but if you can show us that your site has suffered serious downtime we’ll try to make it up to you with an extension to your hosting period or a discount on renewal.