WizardWebWorks offers website hosting facilities specifically designed to cater for small businesses, small organisations and individuals. Our webspace packages and domain names allow you to create an on-line presence at minimal cost. Webspace starts from £7 (Aus$17.50) per annum and domain names start from £3.50 per annum. We don’t have a shopping cart or automated purchasing system on this website because we operate on the basis of human interaction, payment methods available are bank transfer and cheque.
Your webspace will be located at a state-of-the-art data-centre on modern dual-core servers. All servers are monitored continually by automated monitoring systems. You will be provided with a popular GUI interface named cPanel that you can use to set-up and maintain your webspace and any email facilities you want to use.
You can purchase your domain name from us so that you have only one contract for your website service. Alternatively, you can buy webspace from us and domain from elsewhere. To purchase webspace or domain name, contact us with the details, providing an email address and residential address. We will send you an invoice via email once the name is registered.
We also offer a website design and build service. We build your site so that you can update the content of the site yourself, without having to pay extra to make updates or learn any programming language. We use WordPress to build personal and business websites. We use webtrees to build family history websites.